Just to clarify this last one a bit.
I was referring to the classic byte/character/object port abstraction.
With the introduction of raw devices, we have a new base class of ports,
which are the waitable ports.
These objects are i/o objects managed by the Gambit runtime and integrated
with the Gambit scheduler.
The idea is that there exist i/o objects that don't fit the stream
abstraction, and we would like to do i/o on them using specialized (ffi)
methods while integrating with the Gambit scheduler.
UDP sockets is perfect example of such a device: they are not streams of
bytes, so they don't fit the classic port abstraction. But they are i/o
objects, on which you can do i/o with specialized ffi methods and you want
to integrate with the Gambit scheduler to avoid blocking or spinning.
-- vyzo
Post by Dimitris VyzovitisPorts are not the right abstraction for UDP -- UDP sockets are not streams
of bytes, so userland ports are not relevant.
Post by AdamGuillaume,
For completeness - when there are userland ports, implementing UDP as a
module will be trivial.
For more info see here https://github.com/gambit/gambit/issues/288 .
Post by Dimitris VyzovitisYes, I implemented raw devices exactly for this reason.
Gamsock could use the socket ffi from Gerbil to provide the same
interface but integrated with the Gambit i/o scheduler,
-- vyzo
On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 6:48 PM, Guillaume Cartier <
Post by Guillaume CartierHey Jeff,
I really like what I saw when I browsed Gamsock's code. The code looks
clean and well implemented.
#1 Cross-platform support, mainly Windows
#2 Some way to block on reading the UDP port that is integrated with
the Gambit scheduler
Regarding #1, it seems a bit wasteful to have to implement
cross-platform sockets as it is already done in Gambit's low-level C code,
so maybe some collaboration with Marc into exposing this code in some way
Regarding #2, my understanding is that Marc added raw-device ports a
while ago to help vyzo do exactly that in Gerbil
Post by Jeff ReadGamsock maintainer here. Does Gamsock somehow not fit your needs? I'm
open to bug reports or feature requests.
Post by Guillaume CartierHi everyone,
What is the current state of UDP in Gambit?
I found
- an old post where Marc says he has preliminary support and
- https://github.com/bitwize/gamsock which looks interesting but
hasn't been updated in years
Anything else available if I need to integrate UDP in my Gambit application?
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